
About the route

Development of the Trail

June 19, 2017

The project Cycling trails in Eastern Poland is an innovative, multi-regional project consisting of construction of basic infrastructure for service of cycling traffic.

The project Cycling trails in Eastern Poland is an innovative, multi-regional project consisting of construction of basic infrastructure for service of cycling traffic. The project includes the construction and marking of cycling paths with paved roads and setting out and marking of cycling routes on the suburban area, as well as construction and installation of accompanying infrastructure.

At the entire length the route will have hard surface of different types, like asphalt, bitumen, concrete paving blocks, dirt road. On its course the route will be a separated path for bikes only, road for bicycles in mixed traffic, route running in general traffic on asphalt road, route running in general traffic on dirt road.

The entire route is equipped with horizontal and vertical signage along the entire length, and its course is synchronized with over 130 key intersections on the national, provincial and county roads, therefore traffic lights will be mounted there and traffic organization will be changed. The project also includes construction, reconstruction or adaptation over 80 bridges, including the construction of 18 new facilities. On the entire route over 220 Biker Service Areas will be built: located every 5-10 kilometres - BSA with parking for bicycles; - every 15-30 km - BSA with toilets, catering facilities, grocery stores, shop with sports equipment and bicycle service, maps   and information signs, every 50 km - BSA with accommodation facilities (campsites, shelters, boarding houses, private accommodations, hostels and hotels); not less frequently than every 150 km - BSA in place of transport hubs, allowing the biker to change means of transport.

Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013